Journal Entry 1

Date: 7. 3. 2023

- Created One page design for one level

I had a problem with starting the project, I wanted to make the level original somehow, but I didn't have any ideas. I don't know if the playing time is 2-3 minutes, and it is very hard for me to tell how long would something take without testing it. I also had a hard time figuring out how far the platforms should be. I think that just following the grid will not work and the developer has to make some changes when the distances doesn't make sense.
Originaly, I wanted to make one more minilevel, where Ellen can use attacks on enemies and switches (and maybe keys) are introduced to her, but then I thought it would be too long. (And for the current level with enemies develop a special enemies that are immune to her attacks.)

Invested hours: 
(Thinking about it while doing something else: 2 hours)
Scetching level on paper (and figuring out details): 1 hour
Creating the final page on computer: 3-4 hours

Powerpoint presentation with the level on A3
PDF (uploaded to


ProjectA.pdf 194 kB
Mar 07, 2023

Get Project A


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Good job :) I like the addition of wall jump. Though this should be highlighted as you are working with this as a new technique that will have to be implemented. 

There is way too many arrows. Especially if the arrow is overlapping another illustration or even worse text, somethings wrong. There is plenty of other ways to note that this pad is connected to this door than just arrows (color-coding, numbers, etc etc). The info pop ups can mostly be written directly into the map, though I would put them into a box or something and then add into the legend that this means there should be a tutorial pop up. This way you can just add a box that says "crouch" into the map and it will be obvious there should be a tutorial pop up about crouching.

In general - use less text. For example "The door is open only when all enemies are killed" can easily be replaced by "open when all enemies killed". 

While I like how you type out the introduced mechanics for each level, I wouldn't be afraid to clearly separate what text is connected to which mini level. 

This however does feel like a bit of a stretched tutorial. Maybe adding a final mini level where you introduce shooting as well would be nice. 

And finally - how much health does the player have? Can they use weapons? (They can't here, but instead of writing it in one of the level instructions, it should have its own spot) What about the enemies? Health? Damage? Range?